Mood Board


  I like to think of Shoreditch as a kind of enema for the eyes. All geniuses get a blockage from time to time and I am no exception. If my creative juices are ever in need of some lubrication then a trip to the area can work wonders. Last Friday I did just that. There's a photo opportunity on every corner along with a decent coffee (also good for a blockage) which you'll find at Allpress and most important of all for anyone in an artistic quandary - a...

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John Stezaker

  I first discovered the wonderful work of British conceptual artist John Stezaker at the Saatchi Gallery. I absolutely love his stuff, I am a sucker for anything that involves faces being manipulated or obscured, something deeply disturbing must have happened to me when I was a little girl but this kind of thing gives me a huge buzz. It's a thought that played a part in the creation of my new range ArtPop (Out Now). I'm sure it's no coincidence that the majority of the portraits on my Pinterest board also...

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Everyday Patterns

  You know I'm partial to the odd (or even) number and I'm anyone's for a letter (or a tin of salmon), but true addicts will try anything once and I have been known to get high with pattern from time to time. OK, I confess it's every day now. It's everywhere, it's so easy to get it on the streets, I don't go looking for it, honest. Best of all it's completely free. Try some, I think you'll love it.   All Images BigJon

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(WIN) The Alphabet

  Is there anything nicer than a rummage through your drawers? I stumbled across these beauties just the other day. I bought them around five years ago when visiting the John Derian store in Provincetown. If you ever go to Provincetown you must pay a visit to the shop as it's absolutely perfect. Located in the most unexpected little spot it's full of treasures like this as well as lots of John Derian goodies of course – deserving of a post in their own right sometime soon. Along with dust and old carrier...

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