If you follow me on instagram you'll know that I recently spent time in Copenhagen with my other half. We had a brilliant time and it was great to take a break away from the routine of life - which has been especially busy these last few months. Earlier this year we visited Stockholm (also for the first time), Copenhagen has it's merits but we couldn't help compare the two cities and we concluded that Stockholm has the X Factor. Copenhagen just didn't have the heart and soul we were expecting....
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What a wonderful week - thank you Mallorca you were ace.
All image: BigJon
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I'M IN LOVE. You will recall that I recently fell in love with Stockholm. Whilst I was there I also fell in love with the most brilliant shop I have visited in a massive while. Cards & Things is a small but perfectly formed jewel of a stationery store run by the delightful Lena & her business partner Anna-Johanna. And as if that wasn't enough to swoon over Lena also has one of my dream dogs, a black boy poodle called Curre (pronounced Coo-re) who, I might add, has a...
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Take a closer look at Stockholm and there are brilliant details everywhere you turn. A sublime mix of old meets new my exhausted camera slept like a log every night.
All images: Yours truly and the ultimate travelling companion a Canon G12.
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