I like to think of Shoreditch as a kind of enema for the eyes. All geniuses get a blockage from time to time and I am no exception. If my creative juices are ever in need of some lubrication then a trip to the area can work wonders. Last Friday I did just that. There's a photo opportunity on every corner along with a decent coffee (also good for a blockage) which you'll find at Allpress and most important of all for anyone in an artistic quandary - a...
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See you on the other side.
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If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram you'll know that I spent the weekend in Stockholm. And as you can probably tell from this MEGA post - I rather enjoyed it. If you haven't been, go now, it's magnificent. It's probably the best four days and nights in a European City I've ever had with my clothes on. Lagom of sheer beauty, City realness, cafés and culture.
Cafés shown: Drop Coffee & Fabrique Södermannagatan
All images: Yours truly.
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I can't think of a better time of year to share my love of palm trees with the world. They make the greyest day a little brighter and the hottest day a little cooler. Palm trees rock, literally. What do you think?
More palms here.
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